
New Level of Mobile Marketing Campaigns

Mobile Campaign Management Solution

Did you know that there are more smartphones out in the world than there are PCs? And there are countless to access them. Smartphone users have hundreds of thousands of apps to choose from and spend the majority of their online time within apps. Indeed, iPhone and Android users access an average of 27 apps per month, spending a little over 30 hours in them.

This would seem like a great opportunity for marketers, but most struggle to with the complexity of multi-channel marketing and communications. It can seem complex and dif­fi­cult to fig­ure out how to use each mobile chan­nel effectively. Most often, mar­keters approach each chan­nel as an iso­lated vehi­cle, but to be truly effec­tive in mul­ti­chan­nel and mobile mar­ket­ing, companies need to bring each channel together to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

Mobile Digital Marketing Channels, Multiple ConstituentsMobile Campaign Management 366 Degrees

Campaign management across mobile channels is one of the most difficult areas to execute for marketers and brand managers. Multiple constituents all impact time to market and effect time to revenue for new services and products associated with sales execution. Integrating these resources and activities into an integrated campaign management approach is the key to success for today’s mobile-savvy organizations.

Great Content, Orchestrated Strategy in Your Mobile Strategy

How can you begin to orchestrate and integrate your mobile and multi-channel marketing efforts? It starts with a great content strategy. What are the dif­fer­ent mes­sages you want to deliver to cus­tomers and in what channel? And once customers are attracted to your content where will they land and what will they see, and why? In addi­tion to the right con­tent, you need the right media strat­egy.

The Right Tool for the Job

Even with these approaches it can be difficult to effectively manage mobile marketing campaigns without the right tools and capabilities to get the job done. That’s where we can help. Our flagship product, 366 Degrees, is a cloud-based platform to manage all your marketing messages no matter what form they take – mobile, social, online, and even in print.

Our quick campaign module allows you to collaborate with other marketing resources to work on marketing assets such as mobile landing pages, e-mail campaigns, social posts, online banners and print messaging components. Campaign managers connect to leading CRM data sources to drive even tighter integration and campaigns with consistent content maintained across all targeted channels. Now you can make the most of mobile and multi-channel marketing.

Want to learn more? Just visit or contact us today!

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