
High Velocity Sales by Salesforce. Complete Overview

The latest State of Sales report (2022) shows that sales reps spend around 72% of their working time on performing operational, non-selling tasks daily, while only 28% of their time is spent on selling activities. With the help of various optimization tools, the time spent on daily routine tasks can be decreased allowing sales reps to pay more attention to their qualified leads.


High Velocity Sales by Salesforce is designed to empower inside sales and speed up internal processes for all sales-related teams. The salesforce add-on combines the best of integration, automation, and AI-based features to provide sales representatives with opportunities to increase their productivity and shorten the sales cycle.

What Is Salesforce High Velocity Sales?

In a nutshell, High Velocity Sales (HVS) is a Salesforce Sales Cloud extension that allows sales teams to perform better by providing them with powerful sales enablement capabilities. Those include task management, activity tracking and AI insights, among others.


In this article, we will cover the key functionality and benefits of High Velocity Sales so you can make an informed decision on whether your business can benefit from it.

How Does It Help Sales Teams?

High Velocity Sales enables intelligent selling and allows leveraging a broad range of benefits:


  1. Enable fast sales. The overall sales productivity increases and allows teams to shorten the time between prospecting and closing deals.
  2. Unify sales cycles. Sales processes can be mastered to perfection, which makes it easier for reps to implement proven techniques to gain success with every new lead. 
  3. Reduce time spent on operational tasks. Automation and integration reduce manual data entry, as well as the time spent on daily routine tasks, thus letting reps focus more on selling products and services.
  4. Enable smart lead prioritization. The AI-driven process helps to analyze all the data on your leads and define which of them are more likely to convert.
  5. Easy to use by non-tech specialists. According to user reviews Salesforce High Velocity Sales is intuitive with a simple interface and functionality that can be used with little or no training.


High Velocity Sales allows sales teams to increase their productivity, engage and convert more leads in less time. As a result, your company’s lead identification, revenues, and overall performance will grow based on the disciplined sales cadence it enables. 

Key Features and Their Functionality

High Velocity Sales can revolutionize the way your reps do sales due to the combination of focused cadences and their structured lead follow-up process. Each of the areas listed below will help your employees to optimize their workflows and stay more productive.


  • Work Queue provides reps with a list of top-priority tasks. It includes everything from calls to emails, allowing users to plan their work day more efficiently and keep track of the completed tasks. 
  • Sales Cadence represents sequences of activities implemented by reps to engage more leads. It includes emails, calls, voicemails, and social media. With its help, your employees can set a timeline of marketing activities needed to convert every lead in their database. 
  • Einstein Lead Score uses AI technology to analyze all the data on leads and help reps to convert and prioritize them faster. The data is analyzed every 10 days and allows reps to get valuable insights into key factors and customers’ behavior to identify which leads are likely to convert and due to what reasons. 
  • Lightning Dialer is an in-built call manager that provides users with access to contacts and telephony features directly in the application. Sales reps can make and receive calls, record voice messages in advance, and take notes within a single interface. 
  • Lightning Sales Console represents an all-in-one dashboard with access to all of the sales tools. With the help of this single workspace, your employees can optimize their task management and the overall processes related to sales. 

Implementation and Best Practices

Efficient High Velocity Sales implementation isn’t a given – we recommend following all of these important steps to maximize your chance of success:


  1. Define Your Business Objectives: Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve through the implementation of HVS. For example, you may want to increase sales pipeline velocity, improve conversion rates, or enhance overall sales team efficiency. 
  2. Assess Your Sales Processes: Next, evaluate your current sales processes to identify areas where HVS can bring the most value. Map out the different stages of your sales cycle and determine how HVS can automate and streamline tasks at each stage. Look for opportunities to reduce manual efforts, eliminate bottlenecks, and improve sales productivity.
  3. Configure HVS Settings: Once you’re done with preparation, it’s time to get technical. Invest considerable time in looking into HVS settings to see how to align the product with your sales processes. This includes creating work queues that categorize and prioritize leads, opportunities, or tasks as well as defining cadences (predefined sequences of actions) and creating email templates.
  4. Prepare Important Data: Ensure that your Salesforce data is accurate, complete, and up to date – any data that is not actualized needs to be either cleansed and standardized to avoid any issues during the implementation of HVS. This involves removing duplicate records, validating data integrity, and ensuring consistency across fields and records.
  5. Perform User Training: One of your last steps would be to provide comprehensive training to your sales team on how to effectively use HVS. Highlight the benefits of automation, time-saving features, and best practices for using cadences and templates. Offer hands-on training sessions, documentation, and ongoing support to ensure smooth user adoption and encourage the full utilization of HVS capabilities.
  6. Measure and Analyze: Lastly, the work doesn’t stop once the implementation is over. Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your sales team using Salesforce reports and dashboards. Track key metrics such as call volume, email response rates, conversion rates, and pipeline velocity. Regularly review these metrics to identify trends, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.


Additionally, as you’re implementing HVS, you’ll be well advised to adhere to the following best practices:


  1. Follow Cadences: You should encourage your sales reps to follow the predefined cadences for their outreach activities, otherwise, the effort put into the preparation would be simply wasted. Consistently adhering to cadences ensures a structured and consistent approach to prospect engagement, which helps prioritize tasks and enables automation for efficient sales processes.
  2. Continuously Optimize Cadences: At the same time, adhering to cadences doesn’t mean you shouldn’t modify them over time. Regularly review and optimize your cadences based on performance data – experiment with different messaging, timing, and communication channels to find what works best for your target audience. Finally, don’t forget to incorporate feedback from sales reps in the process.
  3. Personalize Communication: While automation is a key aspect of HVS, it’s important to balance it with personalized communication. Encourage sales reps to customize email templates and tailor messaging to each prospect’s needs and pain points. Personalization enhances engagement and builds stronger relationships with potential customers.
  4. Leverage Call Scripts and Local Presence: You’re also encouraged to make use of call scripts provided by HVS to ensure consistent tone and messages during lengthy conversations. Moreover, call scripts are great for helping sales reps handle objections. And finally, enabling the local presence feature in HVS displays local caller IDs, which increases the chances of connecting with prospects.
  5. Collaborate and Share Best Practices: Last but not least, foster a culture of collaboration among your sales team. Encourage the sharing of successful cadences, email templates, and strategies that have yielded positive results. By sharing best practices and insights, you enable continuous learning and improvement across the entire sales organization.

Salesforce High Velocity Sales Pricing

Unlike some other Salesforce products, High Velocity Sales has a very straightforward pricing model – it costs $75/user/month (no free trial available).

Want to Know More About Salesforce?

Learn more about OMI services and find out how we can help you implement Sales Enablement solutions to accelerate and scale sales operations for your business. Contact OMI specialists now to get a quote and discover whether High Velocity Sales can become your next valuable investment on the Salesforce Platform. 

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