
6 Multi-Channel Marketing Best Practices

Today, businesses cannot survive with aquiring customers and prospects from a single channel. The competition spreads across a variety of platforms, from social media to forums and review websites.

In order to promote your products and services adn remain competitive, you have to engage in omni channel marketing and utilize automation tools.

Here are just a few best practices for multi-channel marketing and sales outreach.

Give-Aways and Discounts

This is pretty much a no-brainer. We all like receiving staff for free, and although it might seem like a business loss at first, giving customers a little something is the sure way to boost customer loyalty and secure a returning client. Give-aways and other incentives have shown to increase electronic adoption. This can include anything from inexpensive promotional items and gift-cards to even something like sweepstake for a new iPhone.

Raise Awareness

Most of customers who use printed correspondence are simply unaware that they have an option to switch from paper to digital. So keeping your audience informed about digital initiatives is crucial. And the best course of action would be a multichannel promotion, using all touch-points available to you. Of course this includes direct mail and printed correspondence, since these customers are most likely to be unaware of digital option.

Preference ManagementLeading Best Practices Multi Channel Communications by OMI

It’s one thing to make paperless correspondence available and adopt multi-channel options, but it is quite another to manage the preferences of your customers. Make it difficult and both you and your customers suffer. Today’s customers want to control the conversation and engage with your company on their own terms. This means using the touch points they prefer – mobile, social, email and even print – or any combination of these. Preference management capabilities are critical to tie all of the pieces together and manage them in a way that makes sense, is effective and keeps customers engaged and activated.

Promote Internally

On every occasion that your customer interacts with one of the service representatives, they should be encouraged to go digital, if they haven’t done so already. In order to do so right, your staff needs to be properly educated on the matters of why digital solutions are more beneficial to both customer and company. One of the most effective ways to achieve it would be making a drive toward going digital a visible goal with clear KPI.


Going from paper to digital is a great step to go “green” at your company. In addition to clear benefits of switching to digital, your company also creates a positive publicity image that resonates with public and team members.

Know Your Demographics

More than 95% of all customer statements, bills and other documents are read on a monthly basis. And knowing how to better communicate through your digital initiatives moves you one step closer to your goals. The more you know about your audience the faster your business can grow. That is why you need to communicate through all accessible channels and understand customer’s expectation.

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