
Sales Development Representative vs Business Development Representative: What Is The Difference?

Understanding the distinctions of key roles such as Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) and Business Development Representatives (BDRs) is crucial for success in diverse markets as good sales is the lifeblood of any business. For instance, if an SDR is a more hands-on, frontline specialist, the BDR meaning is in strategic missions and building deep customer connections. But the differences don’t end there. 

Over the past 25 years, our OMI team has consulted hundreds of sales teams across dozens of industries – and we have seen first-hand how sometimes businesses don’t fulfill their potential by misidentifying their talent and giving them suboptimal tasks. 

So let’s dive into the key differences between these two pivotal positions, shedding light on their responsibilities, benefits, and the critical aspect of hiring the right personnel. We’ll also shine a spotlight on the significance of both positions, dissecting the responsibilities of BDRs and SDRs, including research, networking, engagement methods, and lead qualification. 

What is a Business Development Representative (BDR)?

In the first article of the series related to sales development, we’ve explained what SDR stands for and what role it plays for businesses operating in various markets. This time, we want to take a look at another important position in the company called business development representative (BDR). This article will also explain to you the difference between sales and business development representatives. 

To fully understand the difference between sales development and business development, let’s first find out: what is BDR? Business development reps are the team members that are responsible to expand the company’s clients and customer base. BDR uses various prospecting methods and strategies to generate leads or potential customers and set up the outreach process. 


Broadly speaking, BDR’s role is to find relevant prospects, help the sales team schedule meetings with potential clients, and support the sales pipeline of the company. The business development role is given to a sales team member responsible for outbound lead prospecting. Business development reps bring in new business opportunities for the company across various markets. The responsibilities of BDR also include service development and strengthening existing business relationships.

Benefits of BDR

  • Good Understanding of Leads: BDRs meticulously assess leads to determine their alignment with the company’s target customer profile. They evaluate factors such as budget, authority, need, and timeline (BANT) to ensure that resources are directed toward leads with a higher likelihood of converting into customers. This qualification process streamlines the sales pipeline and increases the efficiency of the overall sales process.


  • Deep Market Insights: BDRs conduct thorough market research to identify emerging trends, competitor strategies, and potential opportunities in the industry. This information is invaluable in shaping sales strategies, allowing companies to position their products or services effectively. 


  • Long-Term Customer Relationships: BDRs are relationship architects who lay the groundwork for strong, lasting connections with potential clients. Through personalized communication and a deep understanding of customer needs, BDRs build trust and credibility. These relationships form the basis for successful sales interactions, fostering a positive customer experience from the outset.


  • Optimized Sales Funnel: BDRs play a pivotal role in optimizing the sales funnel by ensuring that only qualified leads progress to the next stages. This not only streamlines the sales process but also enables the sales team to focus their efforts on leads with genuine potential, ultimately increasing the conversion rate and reducing the sales cycle duration.


  • Better Team Collaboration: BDRs maintain a continuous feedback loop with the sales team, providing valuable insights into lead quality, customer preferences, and market dynamics. This collaborative approach facilitates the refinement of sales strategies, ensuring that they remain aligned with the evolving needs of the target audience and market conditions.

What is a Sales Development Representative (SDR)?

And what is an SDR? A sales development representative is a sales team member that is responsible for reaching prospects, connecting with potential customers, and qualifying leads. Sales development reps don’t focus on closing business, they are mainly responsible for connecting with the prospects and checking if the prospect is a good fit for the business.

The role of SDRs is to move leads through the sales pipeline. They connect with potential clients and understand their business needs and requirements. If a prospect is a good fit for the company, sales development reps schedule the next steps of the sales process with sales representatives of the business.

Benefits of SDR

  • Powerful Outreach: SDRs are the frontline soldiers in prospecting potential customers –  they utilize a mix of outbound strategies, including emails, calls, and social media, to initiate meaningful conversations with leads. Their goal is to identify prospects who exhibit genuine interest and are open to further engagement, laying the foundation for a potential sales opportunity.


  • More Sales Demos/Calls: SDRs excel at securing appointments with qualified leads. By effectively communicating the value proposition and understanding the prospect’s pain points, SDRs ensure that the sales team spends their time on high-potential leads. This not only optimizes the sales team’s productivity but also increases the likelihood of successful conversions.


  • Building Product Knowledge: SDRs invest time in developing a deep understanding of the company’s products or services. This knowledge equips them to articulate the value proposition convincingly, address prospect inquiries, and tailor their communication to align with the specific needs of each prospect. A well-informed SDR builds credibility and trust during the initial stages of engagement.


  • Careful Lead Nurturing: SDRs engage in strategic lead nurturing activities, providing relevant content and information to keep the brand on the prospect’s radar. This consistent engagement ensures that prospects are nurtured through the sales funnel, gradually building trust and familiarity. 


  • Consistent Metric Monitoring: SDRs are diligent in tracking key performance metrics such as conversion rates, response rates, and lead quality. By analyzing these metrics, SDRs gain insights into the effectiveness of their outreach strategies. This data-driven approach allows for continuous refinement of tactics, ensuring that SDRs consistently improve their performance.

SDR vs BDR: Key Differences

The SDR and BDR sales positions may have a lot in common, but the BDR’s sales activities are different from the ones done by the SDR and the role they play in the sales pipeline of the organization.

Here are the main differences between sales and business development representatives:

Focus of Responsibilities

  • BDRs: BDRs primarily focus on the broader aspects of business development, which include market research, lead qualification, and relationship building. Their role spans the entire customer acquisition process, from identifying potential opportunities to fostering initial connections.


  • SDRs: SDRs are more narrowly focused on the early stages of the sales process. They specialize in prospecting, initiating outreach, and qualifying leads for further engagement. SDRs concentrate on setting up appointments and ensuring that leads meet certain criteria before passing them to the sales team.

Scope of Activities

  • BDRs: BDRs engage in strategic market research to identify industry trends, assess competitor landscapes, and pinpoint potential opportunities. They play a key role in shaping the company’s overall business strategy and contribute to long-term relationship-building with clients.


  • SDRs: SDRs are hands-on in prospecting activities, using various channels like emails, calls, and social media to generate interest. Their main goal is to secure appointments and move leads through the initial stages of the sales funnel, concentrating on the immediate conversion potential.

Depth of Customer Interaction

  • BDRs: BDRs typically engage in more in-depth and consultative interactions with potential clients. They focus on understanding the unique needs and challenges of the client, tailoring solutions, and building a foundation of trust for long-term partnerships.


  • SDRs: SDRs have a more transactional interaction style, aiming to capture the prospect’s attention and qualify them efficiently. Their communication is designed to generate interest, highlight key value propositions, and determine if there’s a potential fit for the product or service.

Strategic vs Tactical

  • BDRs: BDRs play a more strategic role, aligning business development activities with long-term company goals. They contribute to shaping the company’s market positioning and maintaining a pulse on industry trends.


  • SDRs: SDRs are more tactical, executing specific outreach strategies to meet immediate objectives such as securing appointments and qualifying leads. Their efforts directly contribute to the efficiency of the sales process.

Getting the Right Person for Business Development Representative Role

Generally, the biggest mistake the business makes is hiring the least experienced sales representatives for the BDR role. In some cases, the business development representative role is given to someone that is freshly graduated from college.

BDRs play one of the most important roles in the sales process. BDR is responsible to initiate the sales process by finding potential clients and setting up a sales pipeline. The BDR role requires someone with a proven track record of success in sales. Business Development Representatives should understand the organization and the niche for efficient prospecting to stay at the top of their game.

Getting the Right Person for Sales Development Representative Role

Effective communication is the bedrock of the sales development representative role. Candidates who can articulate ideas clearly, listen actively, and convey value propositions persuasively are more likely to initiate and sustain meaningful conversations with potential clients. A proactive mindset is another distinguishing trait – look for candidates who demonstrate initiative, take ownership of their responsibilities, and proactively identify opportunities for improvement. 

Also, seek candidates who genuinely care about understanding customer needs and providing tailored solutions. This customer empathy not only enhances the quality of engagements but also contributes to building trust, a crucial element in the sales process.  And, finally, the ability to collaborate seamlessly with the broader team is essential. While SDRs often work independently, their success contributes to the overall success of the sales team. 

What Does a Business Development Representative Do?

BDRs are usually hired by companies that are planning to enter new markets or want to scale, such as startups or fast-growing enterprises. Responsibilities of the business development representative include research, networking, lead generation, outreach, and lead qualification. Let’s have a look at each of them more closely:

Research methods

As for the methods used by these representatives, both use social media, emails, and networking to find potential leads. However, the research process for BDRs can be more complicated. They start from research on Google and use other channels to find new opportunities, as well as work closely with product management departments to develop a strategy for entering new markets before moving to sales. 


This is one of the most effective ways to generate more leads for BDR. Meeting face-to-face with potential business partners is important as it helps to build more trust and a stronger foundation for future relationships. It can include everything from official meetings to casual conversations during exhibitions and seminars. 

Engagement methods 

The business development role tends to be more aggressive than the role in sales development. Cold calling and email marketing are the main tools used by BDRs to get responses from potential customers. Unlike in sales development, their pipelines are usually well-structured and don’t involve automated content. Every BDR needs to understand that their first engagement with customers should be thought through to succeed. It normally takes more attempts for BDR to reach out to a prospect and get a response rather than for SDR. Besides phones and emails, BDR can also use social media. Even though this channel is primarily used by SDR, business development can also benefit from its opportunities. 


One of our interviewees spoke about tools he has been using as an SDR recently, “LinkedIn and email are the two most necessary tools because they directly help you accomplish the goal of connecting with prospects and attaining quota. I use Google Calendar to stay on task and make time for prospecting, admin, and meetings. LinkedIn is my primary research tool but if I need to find a compelling reason to meet with a prospect, I’ll do a quick Google search to see if there is any recent news I can tie into my email pitch.”


Both sales and business development representatives should have access to high-quality content and promotional collateral for different types of customers. Such content should be easily adjusted and customized in accordance with the clients’ specific needs and goals to make your team’s messaging more personalized. 

Lead qualification

In the end, the only idea both for the SDR and BDR roles is to identify whether their leads are interested in your company’s products/services and can be converted into sales. As soon as the lead is labeled as sales accepted (SAL), the information on the potential customer is passed to the account executive to identify specific business terms and close the deal.

What Does a Sales Development Representative Do?

A sales development representative plays a pivotal role in initiating and nurturing relationships with potential clients – their multifaceted responsibilities encompass prospecting, effective communication, and continuous learning. Let’s now take a closer look at the key facets of what a Sales Development Representative does:


Prospecting involves identifying potential clients or leads who may have an interest in the products or services offered by the company. It is the initial phase where the SDR builds a target list for outreach. SDRs use various tools and platforms to research and identify businesses or individuals that align with the ideal customer profile. This may involve leveraging CRM systems, social media, and industry databases to create a comprehensive list of prospects.


Outreach is the active communication phase where the SDR initiates contact with prospects to create awareness and interest in the company’s offerings. SDRs craft personalized emails and messages, make outbound calls, and utilize social media platforms to introduce the company and its value proposition. The goal is to capture the attention of potential clients and initiate a dialogue.

Lead Qualification

Lead qualification involves assessing the suitability of leads based on specific criteria before passing them to the sales team. SDRs engage with leads through conversations to understand their needs, budget constraints, decision-making authority, and the timeline for potential purchases. 

Appointment Setting

Once a lead is qualified, the SDR’s role is to secure appointments or meetings for the sales team. SDRs effectively communicate the value proposition, address initial objections, and work to schedule meetings or product demonstrations with qualified leads. This step is crucial in transitioning a prospect from the awareness stage to active engagement with the sales team.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing involves maintaining engagement with leads who are not immediately ready to make a purchasing decision. SDRs share relevant content, provide additional information, and build relationships with leads over time. By staying in regular contact, SDRs keep the company top-of-mind, increasing the likelihood of conversion when the prospect is ready to move forward.

Metrics Tracking

SDRs monitor and analyze key performance metrics to evaluate the success of their outreach efforts and refine strategies continually. SDRs track metrics such as conversion rates, response rates, and lead quality. This data-driven approach allows them to identify areas for improvement, optimize outreach strategies, and ensure that efforts align with overarching sales goals.

Collaboration with Sales Team

SDRs work closely with the sales team to ensure a smooth handover of qualified leads. SDRs provide valuable feedback on lead quality, communicate prospect insights, and collaborate with the sales team to align strategies for effective customer engagement. This collaboration ensures a seamless transition as leads progress through the sales pipeline.

Continuous Learning

SDRs stay informed about industry trends, competitor strategies, and sales techniques to enhance their skills continually. SDRs attend training sessions, workshops, and keep abreast of industry news. This commitment to continuous learning enables them to adapt to changing market conditions, refine their approach, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

SDR Role vs BDR Role

The BDR’s role is different from the one played by SDR. Sales development reps are focused on inbound lead qualification and are not involved with outbound sales. However, the two positions have a lot in common. For instance, both move leads through the sales pipeline, but none of them is responsible for closing business deals. Here is how the inside sales team looks across various companies.

Sales Team: BRD, SDR, Customer success managers, Account executives, Account managers

How to Be a Successful Inside Sales Team

“Make the outreach about the prospect and how your solution will solve their specific problem. Don’t just explain what your solution does and not tie it back to them at all”, says one of our interviewees. 


Modern inside sales teams should work as a single organism and have strictly divided responsibilities. At the same time, every member of the sales team, whether it’s an SDR or BDR, should be the experts шт products/services provided by the company. A good sales or business development rep should be hungry for knowledge and get energy from successful engagements with clients. As a result, your company will be able to attract more leads, convert them into sales, and scale in order to find more business opportunities. 

If you are looking for professional CRM support for your company, check out the services by OMI. Our team of experts will be happy to evaluate your business state and offer solutions to improve your company’s performance.


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