
OMI Named Top 10 CRM Solution Provider For 2016

OMI is making waves in the CRM & Marketing Automation space, this time being named as one of Marketing Tech Insights’ Top 10 CRM Solution providers for 2016. Marketing Tech Insights, headquartered in Fremont, California, delivers a platform to showcase innovations and news in the form of a monthly magazine circulated all around the industry. With a readership of over 40,000 in the industry, Marketing Tech Insights has become a great medium for executives and industry leaders to share their opinions on trends, startups, and developments in modern marketing.OMI TOP 10 CRM SOLUTIONS PROVIDER 2016

The article on OMI in the June 2016 issue focuses on the history of the company and how we have impacted CRM, marketing and sales enablement technologies since our founding in 1999. As the article details, OMI was among the first customer communication management models to be presented as a SaaS platform. The article goes on to discuss our company’s ventures into the professional service space and our application development service offerings with Kick-Start Cloud Ventures and integrations to leading cloud services like Nimble, Salesforce, Intercom and Stripe.

The article continues on to show our development in Marketing Automation and CRM with a focus in customer acquisition and lead generation for our clients. The latter half discusses our 366 Degrees platform, our flagship venture for marketing automation that allows email, social, and landing pages to seamlessly integrate into developing winning content for the SMB space. 366 integrates with other CRM platforms like aforementioned Salesforce and Nimble, as well as up-and-coming services like Vidyard and Datanyze.

“We are approaching our 18th year anniversary. You never create anything of lasting value unless you are willing to stay at something long enough to give it a chance of success,” reflects our CEO, Brad Banyas. As OMI continues to develop and enhance offerings for the SMB industry, we know that our mix of CRM, sales enablement and marketing automation will continue to benefit our clients across every platform.

We are honored to be selected as one of the Top 10 CRM platforms for 2016 by Marketing Tech Insights and remain devoted to serving the Small Business Market in all of our ventures. Interested in hearing more? Go to to sign up and receive their CRM issue, coming to your mailbox soon absolutely free! Or, read it for yourself online at  Once you get your copy, tweet us your thoughts to @OMI4U. We’d love to hear from you!


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