
Salesforce Einstein Voice: New AI-based Voice Assistant Overview

einstein voice salesforce AI overview

Salesforce Einstein technology was launched back in 2016 as one of the most advanced AI-based solutions for customer relationship management. Since then, the company has introduced various additional features that can significantly improve business performance in terms of relationships with customers. The beta version of the new Einstein Voice Assistant became available in February 2020 and is expected to enter the market later in 2021. In this article, we will cover key features of this Salesforce AI voice assistant and explain what business opportunities it opens up for users.

What Is Salesforce Einstein Voice Assistant?

The new AI-based voice assistant provides users with hands-free access to the Salesforce app features. You can easily navigate through the cloud services to perform many tasks. Besides that, users can teach the system to recognize slang, jargon and vocabulary used specifically in your company. Use the Einstein voice-activated AI to:

  • Update records
  • Collect and analyze data automatically
  • Create multiple tasks
  • Schedule meetings
  • Check for upcoming appointments
  • Navigate through analytics and more.

Salesforce Einstein Features


The assistant can be enabled on any type of iOS and Android-based device from smartphones and tablets to smart speakers. It makes the data input process simple which helps users to deliver accurate information, as well as to increase the overall productivity and quality of work.


Additionally, thanks to simple integration with other popular assistants such as Alexa or Google Assistant, Einstein provides users with access to daily updates and schedules. This means that you will never miss an important meeting or event.

What Are the Benefits?

The new Salesforce voice-activated AI empowers the use of modern technology to add value to existing tools to build effective communication between employees and their customers. Einstein Voice technology helps companies to:

  • Increase the quality of reporting
  • Enhance the accuracy of records
  • Enable more accurate forecasting
  • Reduce the volume of unnecessary data entry
  • Increase staff productivity

These benefits allow enterprises to optimize internal workflows and provide sales teams with more time and opportunities to build strong relationships with customers. If you haven’t looked into upgrading your CRM systems with this new technology yet, it’s about time!

What Else Is There?

Besides the AI voice assistant, Salesforce Einstein Voice can be used alongside other tools to empower more accurate data input and analysis. Their unique features will help your employees optimize daily tasks and discover opportunities for further efficient usage of information.


Einstein Voice Bots helps your customer build their own voice assistants to access the information they need. No technical or coding skills are needed. In only a few steps your clients will get an AI-based assistant to provide them with a unique customer experience.


Einstein Voice Skills is a powerful tool that creates personalized applications for your company and adjusts them in accordance with your current business goals and needs. The apps can be designed for specific types of users or roles within the company and include features that are actually needed to cover key tasks. This tool is especially useful for sales and account managers for better communication with clients.


Einstein Call Coaching uses NLP (natural language processing) and ASR (automatic speech recognition) technologies to deliver valuable insights and trends by analyzing calls between your employees and your customers. The data extracted from the conversations can provide your sales team with information on key competitors, products, etc. to help your employees to better understand your clients and their needs.

Sales Pipeline Voice Control in CRM

Salesforce Service Cloud Voice provides users with a single centralized console to increase the productivity of your sales team. No need to switch between tools and screens. Your managers can now access any data they need from one place. Make calls, record interactions with customers, analyze received data, and more. As well as, the in-built AI can advise managers on a suitable response for each client, as well as suggest reliable materials and further actions to provide more personalized customer support.


With over 20 years of experience, OMI experts can help you leverage the benefits of the latest technologies. If you are ready to adopt the new Salesforce Einstein Voice solutions or are looking for an update for your current CRM system, feel free to contact us now! Our specialists will be glad to answer any questions and help to find a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs.

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