
Salesforce Efficiency Optimization: Best Practices from Certified Administrators

Salesforce Efficiency Optimization Best Practices from Certified Administrators by OMI

Salesforce has long been a household name in modern business operations – with a market share of over 20% in the global CRM market, it is trusted by thousands of companies to make their teams as efficient at selling as ever. At the same time, getting the most out of your Salesforce is not an easy task. 

That’s why, in this article, we’ll look into the best practices for Salesforce efficiency optimization as well as its tangible benefits and critical challenges to overcome.

What Is Salesforce Optimization?

Salesforce optimization is the process of refining your Salesforce instance in order to guarantee that it functions as efficiently as possible. More precisely, the main goals are usually quick data retrieval, minimal downtime, and effective automations, just to name a few.

Beyond that, optimization also focuses on continuously improving how Salesforce operates. This can mean adjusting your data models or implementing custom indexes – whatever it takes to drive better and better performance month after month.

Importance of Optimizing Salesforce

So we have just established that Salesforce optimization essentially means attempting to take your business efficiency to the next level. But what exactly does that entail? Here are some of the main benefits that come from a well-optimized Salesforce system:

Precise Data Governance

Optimizing Salesforce isn’t purely about cleaning up data – it can go much deeper and involve automated audits that continuously monitor for data inconsistencies and anomalies. You can establish cross-object workflows that validate data accuracy in real-time. thus preventing serious issues, such as incorrect financial reporting or flawed customer segmentation.

Role-Specific Dashboards

Optimization also means highly customized, role-specific dashboards. This way, a sales rep, for example, might have a dashboard that not only shows their pipeline but also highlights the leads most likely to convert, based on predictive analytics.

Elimination of Process Drag

Outdated Salesforce workflows can become a drag – and optimization is there to identify and remove such processes. You can easily automate routine tasks like follow-ups, which are often done manually to save valuable time and reduce the human error factor.

Improved User Experience

Another major benefit of Salesforce optimization is making the platform intuitive and efficient for all users. Customizing page layouts, creating shortcuts, and removing clutter can significantly reduce the learning curve and increase user adoption rates, which, in turn, lead to better data and higher productivity.

Performance Tuning for Heavy Lifting

Optimization involves fine-tuning system settings to handle increased data loads and user activity without slowing down. This could mean optimizing database queries, archiving outdated records, or adjusting API configurations to manage higher transaction volumes efficiently. Proper tuning ensures that your Salesforce system remains responsive and reliable, even under heavy 

Key Salesforce Efficiency Metrics to Keep Track Of

  • User Adoption Rate: User adoption is a critical metric because your newly optimized Salesforce setup will be useless if your team isn’t using it. Make sure to track login rates, feature usage, and the frequency of updates to records.
  • Data Quality Metrics: Salesforce efficiency metrics such as the percentage of duplicate records, incomplete fields, and outdated entries will tell you everything you need to know about the health of your data.
  • Lead Conversion Rate: The lead conversion rate is a great indicator of how effectively your team is moving prospects through the sales funnel. 
  • Sales Cycle Length: Sales cycle length measures the average time it takes to close a deal from initial contact to final sale. If your sales cycle is longer than expected, it could point to inefficiencies like unnecessary approval steps or lack of timely follow-ups.
  • Customer Satisfaction Score: Tracking this metric through post-interaction surveys or net promoter scores (NPS) can tell you how well your Salesforce processes are supporting customer needs.
  • Forecast Accuracy: Forecast accuracy measures how close your sales forecasts are to actual results. Discrepancies between the two may suggest that your team is either too optimistic or too conservative in their projections – or that there are data integrity issues impacting your forecasts.
  • Opportunity Win Rate: The opportunity win rate tracks the percentage of opportunities that end in a closed deal. Analyzing this helps you identify where your sales efforts are falling short and where there’s room for improvement.

Top Challenges in Reaching Optimal Salesforce Efficiency

Low Engagement

When users aren’t fully invested, the system becomes underutilized, which eventually leads to poor return on investment. As practice shows, low engagement often arises from a perception that Salesforce is irrelevant to daily tasks.

You need to work closely with each department to customize Salesforce in a way that goes well with their specific workflows – this could involve adjusting page layouts or minimizing unnecessary fields to reduce clutter. You could also Implement gamification techniques like leaderboards and achievement badges to motivate users to engage more with the software.

Inadequate Training

Even if the team wants to engage with Salesforce, without adequate training, they may easily misuse the system, leading to inefficient workflows.

So make sure to develop training programs for each specific role within your team. Sales reps, customer service agents, and managers should each have training that focuses on the Salesforce features most relevant to their daily tasks.

Manual Processes

Many teams still rely on manual processes that massively slow them down. These processes can make Salesforce less efficient and diminish the value of automation, which is one of Salesforce’s key strengths.

You should identify repetitive manual tasks, such as data entry, report generation, and follow-up communications, and replace them with automated workflows. On top of that, conduct regular reviews of your processes to look for areas where automation could be implemented or improved.

Overcomplicated Workflows

Over time, Salesforce instances can become cluttered with complex workflows that are difficult to navigate.

To combat that, gather feedback from users to understand which workflows they find overly complicated or unnecessary. You also may need to schedule regular cleanup sessions to declutter your Salesforce, with archiving old data, retiring outdated workflows, and consolidating redundant fields.

Lack of Standardization

Without standardization, different teams might use Salesforce in inconsistent ways, which can be particularly problematic in larger teams with multiple departments.

Create and enforce standardized practices for data entry, including naming conventions, required fields, and data formatting. And, yet again, audits are key – regular checks will help identify areas where users may be deviating from established procedures, allowing for corrective action.

5 Salesforce Efficiency Hacks from Certified Administrators

When it comes to squeezing every drop of efficiency out of Salesforce, certified administrators like us at OMI have a few tricks up their sleeves. So let’s dig into some advanced, yet often overlooked, techniques that can make a noticeable difference in your system:

Optimize Profiles and Permission Sets

Many overlook the power of properly configured profiles and permission sets. While it’s tempting to assign broad permissions for convenience, this often leads to cluttered interfaces and security risks. 

Instead, take the time to tailor profiles and permission sets to match the specific needs of each role. Regularly review and audit your profiles – remove unnecessary permissions and consolidate where possible to keep things clean and efficient.

Use Custom Indexes for Faster Queries

By default, Salesforce automatically indexes certain fields, but you can manually create custom indexes on fields that are frequently used in search queries or reports. This can drastically reduce query times and improve your system performance.

Utilize Formula Fields for Real-Time Calculations

Formula fields can, among other things, dynamically display information based on complex criteria without the need for custom code. This way, you can use them to create real-time metrics such as days since last activity, total contract value, or customer health scores.

Leverage the Salesforce Optimizer

While Salesforce Optimizer is well-known, many admins don’t fully explore its potential. The tool provides insights into your org’s setup and gives specific recommendations for improvements. 

So make sure to run it regularly and adhere to its recommendations – take care of the simple stuff first (like removing unused fields) and then move on to more complex issues like refactoring custom code.

Automate Data Cleanup with Validation Rules

It’s common for data to become messy over time –  and validation rules help maintain this data clean by preventing incorrect or incomplete data from being saved in the first place.

You should first identify the most common data entry mistakes in your org, then create validation rules to catch these errors. Over time, expand these rules to cover more nuanced scenarios, such as enforcing specific data formats or ensuring that certain fields are always populated.

How OMI Helps in Maximizing Your Salesforce Efficiency?

As certified administrators, OMI can offer invaluable insights and advanced techniques to take your Salesforce efficiency to the next level. But we’re not only consultants – we’re also implementers. We can optimize your profiles and permission sets, automate data cleanup, continuously monitor your system performance – and much more.

So if you feel that your team may benefit from collaborating with a certified Salesforce partner, don’t hesitate to reach out – we will make your Salesforce work better than ever.


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