
3 Trends to Watch in 2015

We hope that you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions, because 2015 will most certainly be a year filled with innovation, opportunity and more than a few surprises.  In our last post we made some predictions for the coming year, now here are three important trends to consider in your planning.

Omni-Channel AdvantageTrending2015

Driven by technological changes that create opportunities to capture more of the market, payment and delivery of goods across channels will become ubiquitous in 2015. We’ve been posting about the incredible rise of mobile technology for a while now, and for good reason. There are more smartphones and tablets out in the world than there are PC’s, and analysts tell us that nearly half of US adult’s media time is spent online. As a result, consumers don’t live in one channel. Flipping between tablet, phone, computer, and store is merely part of today’s shopping experience.
Customer Loyalty
Customer retention and customer loyalty are going to be essential growth channels for all types of businesses in 2015. CMO’s are rethinking how to create deeper loyalty and a better experience for customers, so they can build word-of-mouth and brand loyalty. This year it’s all about customer experience and ways to keep them coming back for more. To build customer loyalty, customer experience management blends the physical, emotional and value elements of an experience into one cohesive experience.
The Rise of Social Commerce
Commerce sales of physical goods via social media are projected to grow by 93% this year and reach $14 billion in the U.S. alone. As a result, businesses will have to “socialize” more if they want to stand out from their competitors and protect their brands. Now, more than ever, customer engagement is key though the use of mobile and omnichannel strategies that use social networks to customize product and service offerings. As people turn to their friends, family and peers in social media for online recommendations, social selling must be part of any ecommerce strategy in 2015.
Time to Shine
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