
Digital Transformation Best Practices and Tips for Unlocking Success


Many teams struggle to make the most out of the digitization efforts, and some even manage to make the process detrimental to their business. However, you can achieve great success if you follow certain best practices in digital transformation – for instance, building a team of people with diverse skill sets, creating a culture of innovation, and relying on data to make adaptive changes. 


In this article, our expert team breaks down these digital transformation best practices as well as possible failures and solutions to those failures. Keep reading to find out all you need to know to make your digitization as smooth as possible.

11 Best Practices in Digital Transformation

Our team’s experience in the digital transformation of many companies suggests that, for a successful operation, one should do the following:

1. Identify Areas Of Improvement

Digital transformation implementation begins with an answer to one question – what is it that we want to transform? However, diagnosing and solving an organizational problem can be difficult.


This process begins with a holistic assessment of your current operations, from internal processes to customer interactions. By pinpointing bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or legacy systems that hinder progress, you can create a roadmap for transformation. For instance, a manufacturing company can discover that manual data entry slows down production – in this case, implementing IoT sensors to automate data collection can significantly improve efficiency.

2. Define Clear Objectives

A good rule of thumb is to follow the SMART model – objectives must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These objectives will provide a roadmap and set the direction for your digital transformation journey – a retail company looking to enhance its online presence may set a SMART objective to increase online sales by 20% within the next 12 months. 

3. Pick the Right Technologies

Another one of the most vital digital transformation tips – it’s not about adopting the latest technology for its own sake; it’s about selecting the technology that aligns with your strategic goals. The integrations typically involve connecting various systems and applications to enable seamless data sharing and workflow automation. For example, if you’re in e-commerce, investing in a robust e-commerce platform like Shopify or Magento can support digital sales growth, as these platforms offer customizable solutions that cater to different business sizes and objectives. 

4. Build a Diversely-Skilled Team

Make sure to assemble cross-functional teams with members possessing diverse expertise – this could include data scientists, software developers, designers, domain specialists, and many others. A diverse skill set within the team ensures that various aspects of the transformation process are adequately covered – coming back to the example of a manufacturer, hiring data scientists and AI specialists to work alongside traditional automotive engineers can be a very good idea.

5. Adhere to a Customer-Centric Approach

To understand your customers and how their evolving needs impact your business, invest in robust market research, gather feedback through surveys and social listening, and meticulously analyze user data. Once you have enough information, use it to tailor your digital initiatives. Ideally, they must ultimately prioritize customer experience and satisfaction.

6. Stay Agile

The agile approach to digital transformation involves breaking down complex projects into smaller, manageable iterations, where each iteration should deliver tangible results. Adopt methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, or DevOps to foster that mindset. For instance, you can continuously adjust your product features in real time based on user feedback and data, ensuring your services remain relevant and customer-centric.

7. Make Data-Driven Decisions

During the digital transformation implementation, gathering and analyzing data from various sources can provide invaluable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. This helps your business to stay on track and ensure that your efforts aren’t actually harming your bottom line or your output. 

8. Focus on Employee Empowerment and Training

Establish a culture of learning and continuous improvement, providing opportunities for skill development and knowledge enhancement. Offering such opportunities as workshops, online courses or certifications is one concrete way to empower your team. Ideally, you may even consider setting up a special learning platform like Microsoft did with its Microsoft Learn. This platform and ones like it include various training modules to enhance technical skills so that the team remains adept in the rapidly changing environment of digital transformation.

9. Communicate with the Team

Keep your team informed about the progress, challenges, and successes of the transformation journey. Holding regular meetings, sharing updates, and providing a platform for employees to ask questions and provide feedback are all essential components of successful communication. Also, make sure to use internal communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams extensively to ensure everyone stays informed about the progress.

10. Create an Innovative Culture

Innovation should not be confined to specific departments; it should permeate your organization’s DNA. That’s why you should encourage employees at all levels to contribute their creative ideas and embrace a culture of experimentation. If done right, it’s also beneficial to promote calculated risk-taking that can lead to breakthroughs.

11. Perform Feedback-Driven Assessments

Regular assessments based on feedback from employees, customers, and other stakeholders are indispensable – gather their opinions through surveys, interviews, or direct user interactions. These insights will allow you to make continuous improvements in your services as well as refine your digital transformation strategy.

Why Does Digital Transformation Fail?

The possible pitfalls are best explained through the prism of not adhering to above mentioned digital transformation best practices. If a key activity is ignored, it’s bound to bring about a number of issues. 


Hence, we can highlight the following signs and reasons for a failing digital transformation (and how to eliminate them):

Lack of Strategy

Failure: Lack of a clear digital transformation strategy can result in misaligned efforts and wasted resources. Organizations may struggle to prioritize initiatives effectively.


Solution: Develop a comprehensive strategy that includes a vision statement, specific goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and a roadmap. Engage stakeholders in its creation, and regularly revisit and refine the strategy as needed to ensure it stays aligned with evolving business objectives.

Irrelevant KPIs

Failure: Ambiguous or irrelevant KPIs make it challenging to measure progress accurately and assess the impact of the transformation.


Solution: Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) KPIs directly aligned with the digital transformation goals. Regularly track and report on these KPIs to monitor the initiative’s progress.

Budget and Resource Constraints

Failure: Underestimating the costs and resource requirements can result in project delays, inadequate solutions, or even abandonment.


Solution: Conduct a thorough financial analysis and consider direct and indirect costs. Create a contingency fund to address unforeseen expenses. Periodically review the budget and resource allocation to ensure it remains adequate.

Overwhelming Workload

Failure: Expanding the project scope beyond its initial objectives can lead to missed deadlines, budget overruns, and project fatigue.


Solution: Establish a well-documented project scope with clear boundaries. Develop a change control process to evaluate and approve any proposed changes, considering their impact on the timeline and budget.

Neglecting Customer Feedback

Failure: Ignoring customer input can result in solutions that do not align with their needs and preferences.


Solution: Actively gather feedback from customers at every stage of the project. Make customer feedback an integral part of decision-making and prioritize improvements based on their input.

Inadequate Leadership

Failure: Weak leadership and governance can lead to disorganized decision-making, scope creep, and misalignment with the organization’s strategic goals.


Solution: Appoint experienced leaders who can guide the transformation process. Establish governance structures with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Create project charters and regular reporting mechanisms to ensure accountability and alignment.

Poor Employee Training

Failure: Untrained employees may struggle to adapt to new technologies, leading to reduced productivity and frustration.


Solution: Offer comprehensive training programs that encompass both technical skills and the broader context of how the new tools or processes fit into employees’ roles. Provide ongoing training and support as technology evolves.

Incompatibility with Legacy Systems

Failure: Inadequate integration planning can lead to operational disruptions, data inconsistencies, and inefficiencies.


Solution: Perform a comprehensive assessment of existing systems and their compatibility with new solutions. Develop a clear integration plan, possibly considering phased implementations or using middleware to bridge the gap.

Cultural Barriers

Failure: An organizational culture that resists change, innovation, or collaboration can obstruct progress.


Solution: Actively foster a culture of innovation and adaptability. Leadership should set an example by embracing change and encouraging a collaborative and open-minded work environment. Implement incentive programs to reward innovative thinking and collaboration.

Data Security Oversight

Failure: Neglecting data security and privacy can lead to data breaches, legal issues, and damage to the organization’s reputation.


Solution: Make sure your data is well encrypted and your possible vulnerabilities are regularly checked and eliminated. Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations and provide ongoing training to staff on data security best practices.

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with OMI’s Expert Services

Best practices in digital transformation include, but are not limited to picking the right objectives, strategy, and technology, fostering a culture of innovation and learning, creating a diverse team, and quickly reacting to changes with agile methodologies and feedback gathering. 


Failing to follow those digital transformation tips may lead to aimless actions, low result visibility, too much workload as well as overspending, and a decrease in team morale. And if you want to protect yourself against those unwanted consequences, consider reaching out to a team of digital transformation experts – our insights and know-how will make this process seamless and smooth.


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